The heat of the day was tempered by a curvaceous 70s covered walkway; under which hundreds of locals were involved in every type of physical activity. Boards and bikes; Kids somersaulting and fathers teaching their daughters to rollerskate; all vieing for your attention.
Sau Paulo is meant to be the violent, dirty and hectic pit of brazil, but to us it felt cosmopolitan and friendly with fantastic food. The food and culture of the city may top Brazil, but as a native told us, ‘if you didn’t go to Sau Paulo on your trip ; then you wouldn’t miss seeing anything.
Sau Paulo is meant to be the violent, dirty and hectic pit of brazil, but to us it felt cosmopolitan and friendly with fantastic food. The food and culture of the city may top Brazil, but as a native told us, ‘if you didn’t go to Sau Paulo on your trip ; then you wouldn’t miss seeing anything.
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