Monday, 16 June 2008

Portraits and PhotoMonth

Interesting plans ahead.

Entering the National Portrait Photographic competition, which I've got to get in for mid July. Planning 3 photos - one I've already taken in Brazil and two shoots. The first is with Eliza Doolittle who everyone should be keeping their eyes on at festivals this year. Her voice is incredible and her music even better - check out her myspace:

The other shot is kind of inspired by one I took with Megs a year or so ago...

Am working with a good friend Tony, who is the owner of Aview opticians. Not quite sure how I'm going to do it, but want to use mirrors and reflection to give a sense of what Tony is amazing at - styling eyes.... will keep you posted.

AView Advert - Look Different

Then a bit further along, a good friend let me know about an event called PhotoMonth in October in East London. Basically its up to you to organise your own idea and a venue and then let them know its on... so speaking to Favela Chic about having an exhibition of my favela series that i shot out in Brazil...

Rochina Favela, Brasil graffiti - Rio de Janiero Rochina Favela, Man at a Window - Rio de Janiero
Rochina Favela, Beat of a drum - Rio de Janiero Rochina Favela, Artists studio - Rio de Janiero

Finally podcast of the week - a bit geeky, it is a lecture by a grad from MIT, but hey...

Next blog - music plans that are afoot - new music and a podcast series in the making...

Ta for now


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